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Finished projects

We have been building the Mahuruni and Menzamwenye Primary and Secondary school since the early 2000. The Verkaart Foundation, together with the Adelbert Colleague, started working on building basic facilities for primary schools in the period from 2000 to 2002. For the Mahuruni 10 classrooms and for the Menzamwenye Primary 21 classrooms and two water tanks and gutters. An office was also built at the Menzamwenye school during this period.  

The construction of the Menzamwenye Secondary School started in 2008. At that time more and more children finished primary school, as a result of which there was also an increased demand for secondary education. In 2008, 2 classrooms sponsored by the Adelbert College were built. The local government also set up 2 classrooms. A few years later, a staff room was added by the government. After a fire in this building in 2016, the office was rebuilt including a new classroom. 

In the years that followed, numerous projects were realized at all three schools. In 2010, for example, two toilet blocks and a water tank were installed on the Menzamwenye secondary. And a year later, the first dormitory at this school was realized. 

A large-scale renovation of 5 classrooms was carried out on the Mahuruni in 2013. A year later, the school was able to finish the toilet blocks with the help of our donations. At that time work was also done on real vegetable gardens with an irrigation system. Not only on the Mahuruni but also on the Menzamwenye Primary. They could then start to grow tomatoes, cabbage and sukuma wiki, a vegetable with a taste between spinach and kale. 

In 2015, the Menzamwenye Primary built 2 toilet blocks with eight doors each. In the following years we made a significant contribution of new school desks, renovation of gutters and placing of drinking water tanks in each classroom. In this way, children could also have a drink of water in their classroom. while learning. In that period, we also renovated gutters based on an optimized design. So optimal that even in the event of a heavy rain shower, the water still ends up in the water tanks. In 2018, a special need latrine was built on the Menzamwenye Primary, our first toilet building for wheelchair users. 

From 2017 on both primary schools started with "My Book Buddy". A project in which reading books and a bookcase are made available so that children can read books just like in a library. The project was a great success in both schools. Many books are read there. 

At the Menzamwenye Secondary, renovation of gutters was still underway in 2017 and a second dormitory was realized with the support of the Alfrink College. The toilet part of the first dormitory has also been refurbished. In 2019, a separate water supply was realized for the dormitories. 

In 2020 is de bouw van een nieuwe shade afgerond. Het gaat hier om een betonnen shade die gebruikt gaat worden om de kleinste kinderen van de school les te geven. We bouwen zo’n shade tegenwoordig in beton in plaats van in hout met palmbladeren. Zo verlengen we de levensduur van constructie aanzienlijk. 

In 2020 is ook fase 1 afgerond van de renovatie van de daken op de Menzamwenye Primairy School. We hebben voor 6 klaslokalen de dakplaten vervangen zodat lekkages tot het verleden behoren. Bovendien zorgen oude vieze dakplaten niet meer voor vervuiling van het regenwater dat via de daken en goten in tanks wordt opgevangen voor gebruik op de school. 

In 2021-2022 zijn er bij de Menzamwenye secondary met hulp van de stichting twee slaapzalen voor meisjes gebouwd, ze worden intensief gebruikt. 


In 2022 vond ook de feestelijke opening van 5 nieuwe klaslokalen bij de Maharuni plaats.


In 2023 zijn er grote stappen gezet voor de onderwijskwaliteit en de veilige omgeving. Er is een waterput met solarium gebouwd bij de Menzamwenye primary, daken van de Maharuni zijn vervangen en er zijn lokalen van de Menzamwenye Secondary gerenoveerd met vloeren en bordes. Daarnaast zijn er scheikundematerialen aangekocht, zijn er weer nieuwe schoolbanken en kluisjes beschikbaar op de Menzamwenye Secondary. 

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