Nederlands Goed Doel voor Onderwijs, Scholen, Water & Sanitatie in Kenia
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What we do
We currently help three schools in Kenya with building up all the necessary basic facilities to enable children to go to school in a good and safe manner. We operate in southeastern Kenya at the Maharani Primary school, the Menzamwenye Primary school and the Menzamwenye Secondary school. We help with:
- Classrooms
- Clean drinking water through gutters, water tanks and water purification
- Dormitories for girl students
- Sanitatievoorzieningen
- Vegetable gardens
- Teaching materials and books
Our mission
Onderwijs is de basis voor een betere toekomst van kinderen in Kenia. Een kind dat de kans krijgt om naar school te gaan, werkt aan zijn eigen toekomst en aan de ontwikkeling van zijn land. De stichting Watoto Kenya wil deze kinderen helpen door te voorzien in de basisvoorwaarden om te kunnen leren. Dat betekent een dak boven hun hoofd, een maaltijd, schoon drinkwater en sanitatie. Het zijn voorzieningen die in Nederland vanzelfsprekend zijn.
Who we are
We all have a Kenyan heart, we have been active in Kenya for over 20 years and full of energy and determination to improve the situation for the children in our schools. We understand that we cannot do all this alone. We therefore emphatically seek cooperation with other parties to achieve our goals. We are long-term people who do not know about giving up. So we will continue our activities in the coming years!
All members of the board and those involved are volunteers, and do not receive any compensation for their work.
Our Schools

Primary School
Een school met een sterk stijgend aantal leerlingen, nu zitten we op 1500.Er zijn recent daken vervangen en vier klaslokalen opnieuw geschilderd. De school is volop in ontwikkeling.

Primary School
Just over 1,200 students are taught at this school. There are enough classrooms. We are working here to replace the roofs of the classrooms. These are corroded and endanger the quality of the drinking water.

Secondary school
Our only secondary school is also in full development. Due to an increasing number of students, the school itself is working on a new classroom for the 'form one' students. The 2nd dormitory is also further furnished.
Where we operate
We are active in the southeast of Kenya. In an area not far from the Indian Ocean and Tanzania. Our schools are located near the town of Lunga Lunga. If you want to know exactly where our schools are located, you can click on this link .
An introduction to our work for children
We frequently organise runs at primary schools. To introduce children to our work, we have created a video that explains what we do and why we do it (in Dutch).