The Menzamwenye Primary School in the village of the same name is located in southeastern Kenya, about 16 kilometers from the border with Tanzania. At this moment, an impressive (!) 1200 children are being taught in 21 classrooms. There are enough teachers and toilets. The drinking water supply is also in order. In other words, the school is rock solid. It now comes down to good maintenance of the facilities, but of course especially good education!
The roofs are one of the school's major challenges.. Roofs are important because they are the basis for the drinking water supply at the school. Rainwater enters large storage tanks through the roofs and gutters. The roofs currently show a lot of rust, which does not benefit the quality of the drinking water. That is why in 2020 we will replace all roofs in a number of phases. Extreme Groei by Mark Daamen makes this work possible together with Wilde Ganzen.
De headteacher van de Menzamwenye Primary School is Mr Madhunde. Hij is erg betrokken bij de school, zo is hij in 2024 met 18 leerlingen naar het National Music Festival geweest.
Het grootste project van deze school draait momenteel om de watertoren: er is een zonnepaneel, zodat er makkelijk water gepompt kan worden. Voor de school is dit handig voor de groentetuinen, maar de lokale bewoners profiteren er ook van!