Het beleidsplan en meerjarenplan voor 2024 en verder worden medio 2024 verwacht. In de tussentijd geldt het verlengd beleidsplan 2019 – 2023. Daarin hebben we de contouren geschetst voor onze activiteiten. Wil je reageren op het plan. Laat het weten via deze link.
As a board we have been active in Kenya for 20 years. We believe that small-scale aid invested directly where it is needed is the most effective way to help those who need it. We immediately invest the money we receive in projects that are most needed. We stand side by side with the school but also with the local government. We look at the wishes of the school itself and also try to work with the local government to get the basic facilities in the schools in order. The way of thinking and working of our foundation is very well expressed by a fellow foundation in the region: Kids in Kenya.