The Watoto Web Shop   is tijdelijk buiten gebruik. Excuus voor het ongemak.

Support us

Support Us

You can help the children in Kenya in many different ways. Support us so that we can build new classrooms, continue to provide clean drinking water, sufficient sanitary facilities and abundant vegetable gardens.


You can support us by donating to us. With this donation you support Watoto Kenya in their work to give children a better future through good education. Good education is the basis for a country's development. The more support we get, the more children we can reach.

Current sponsorships

Op dit moment zijn er geen actieve sponsoracties. Heb jij een goed idee? Laat het ons weten via het contact menu!


Buying on the internet through directly contributes to our foundation. A lot of current webshops participate in this wonderful initiative. You can buy things at, Coolblue, Hema, but also at or AliExpress. Many insurers also participate.

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