The Watoto Web Shop   is tijdelijk buiten gebruik. Excuus voor het ongemak.

Current sponsorships

Ook in het jaar 2024 zullen er weer sponsoracties georganiseerd worden om geld in te zamelen voor onze scholen in Kenia. Met het geld steunen we meer dan 3500 kinderen in Kenia bij het krijgen van goed onderwijs in een veilige omgeving.

Planned campaigns while be announced via Facebook !

For current and previous campaigns:

Sponsorship run

We are always looking for schools that want to help us by organising a sponsorship run. We collaborate to find out what a good and current goal is to raise money for. We inform the classes on why they are participating with presentations. We have sufficient materials and templates (e.g. flyers, sponsorship stamp cards, website template) which can be personalised with the school's logo. We also create a specific webpage which explains the purpose and goals of the run. After the event we provide information on what was done with the money raised!

Plastic bottle deposits

Supermarkets provide the opportunity to have flyers on foundations with a box where customers can donate their plastic bottle deposits. Once we have a current project we will share this through our Facebook page.


We are preparing a real crowdfunding campaign. We will try to raise money through crowdfunding for 2 more classrooms at the Mahuruni Primary School. We will certainly keep you informed of this promotion.

Annual campaign: running for Watoto chairman Wilbur will this year again participate in a running race for charity. Follow his operations and preparation for his next running activity via Facebook.

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